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Shopping for shoes - bought a dental machine! 

That’s what happened to Giovanna Hartley, Practice Manager of Thameswood Veterinary Clinics after she was side-tracked by an email telling her about a new-look vbay that happened to turn up in her inbox!  The good news is that Giovanna got the 2nd hand machine at a bargain price - saved money - and then had more to spend on shoes!! is the first and only online marketplace where veterinary professionals can access products and services, buy and sell 2nd-hand kit and advertise jobs.  Vbay lists everything from accountants to animal handling gloves to yes, 2nd-hand dental machines...and just about everything in-between! 

“The profession’s version of eBay” has also just been given a stunning new make-over too; with vbay’s attractive new livery and improved search function, finding what you’re looking for - buying and selling - just got a whole lot easier.  

Registration is free and so are what are you waiting for?  If you’re a veterinary professional, you really should register with vbay and see how you too can save money...even if only to be able to buy more shoes!

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