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One day internet management module session

The internet is a great tool for driving businesses forward but things move so fast that it’s often difficult to keep up. With that in mind, Royal Canin is hosting its latest Management Module - entitled ‘The Internet’ - on Wednesday 29 January in Penrith, Cumbria.

The one-day session will provide practices with the tools to access a wider marketplace and deliver an even better service to their clients. Alongside Royal Canin, presentations from marketing consultants, telecoms providers and industry experts in developing on-line trade and social media, among others, will allow delegates to assess the value these services can bring to UK practice.

Veterinary support manager, Lee Danks MRCVS, explained: “These sessions are all about providing tailored, practical learning opportunities to busy UK vet practices. The internet course includes a number of interactive tasks and workshops, allowing practices access to hands-on support throughout the day and to really start thinking about how we can utilise the internet to benefit our businesses. We’ll be encouraging delegates to formulate their own approach; whether that’s setting up an online pharmacy, having a greater on-line presence or simply maximising visits to their website.”

The one day module costs £99 – covering the attendance of two delegates per practice. To book a place, contact your Veterinary business manager or register by contacting or calling 09163 353127 / 07525 299204.

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